
2022-11-29 16:06:55 来源:教育之星







1. 开头:反对(孩子现在更有创意)。

2. 论证段 1:技术发展拓展了孩子的眼界和知识,这样他们才有创意的来源。

3. 论证段 2:技术发展为孩子实现创意提供了手段。

4. 结尾:反对(孩子现在更有创意)。


That people often mistake infrequency of actions with laziness and lack of creativity is a common misconception the elder generation has of the youth. I, personally, believe that young people are more creative than they were in the past, in no small part due to the ubiquity of technology.

In the first place, technology has expanded children"s knowledge, which functions as a source of creative inspiration. Unlike children in the past who only have few sources of information beyond what they learned in class or from a handful of books, nowadays children have have a vast pool of sources from which they can choose the ones that appeal to them the most. The result is that, in the past, what we deemed “creative design” was no more than a uniform expression of contemporary taste, whereas now, we often see a blossoming of creative individuality. Take science competition for example. While, in the past, students, relying almost exclusively on teachers’ advice and instructions, submitted almost uniform designs. Voice-controlled lighting systems, which was particularly popular in the 2000s because it represented the interest of the scientific community of the time, leaps to mind. Nowadays, however, children could many ideas and courses on the internet, where hey would identify one particular area in which they are interested. And they would focus on that area, obtaining as much additional instructive material as they could. As a result, we often see designs as diverse as models of eco-friendly architecture, face recognition software, and folding screens.

Furthermore, chances are that young people, having imagination and creativity, have more means for the realization thereof, even though they invest much less time in manual labor, compared to people in the past, thanks to the progress of technology. In the past, many creative ideas went no further than being a sketch on the paper or a few lines of description on the paper, because there was no means to turn them into reality. However, young children nowadays are no longer satisfied to confine themselves to an abstract idea or a well-researched feasibility report. Instead, they utilize advanced technology to turn a blueprint into reality. Take eco-friendly architecture as an example, high school students in the U. S. have been using computer-aided design software to generate 3D images for presentation purpose, even making use of 3D printers and artificial trees and lawns to make models so that the audience can have a detailed appreciation and understanding of their views. There is no doubt, in that regard, that it is the development of technology that inspired the realization of creativity.

In sum, based on the aforementioned arguments, it should come as no surprise that I believe that children are more, rather than less, creative than they were in the past.






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