
2023-03-15 16:08:29 来源:教育之星



Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day"s work.Others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night. Which do youprefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.



In most cases, the biological clock remarkably affects people"s living habits. As a person gets used to a routine daily schedule, it is uneasy to change it. Thus, before selecting the most suitable time to rise and to sleep, careful considerations have to be made. The physical and spiritual conditions differ among individuals and everyone may have his own choice. Some people are early risers, while others would like to get up late and stay up into the night.Personally, I prefer to get up early in the morning.

To begin with, it is a healthy habit to rise early each day. According to medical studies, the human body is in a superior state early in the morning, especially after doing physical exercise. With refreshed energy and mental power,people can perform better at work. Meanwhile, job performance is also superior to that of the night. Many doctors have emphasized that the most suitable time to go to sleep is after 11 pm. If human brains are still undertaking heavy tasks at that time, people are facing higher risks ofhealth problems including mental breakdowns, insomnia,amnesia and so forth. Furthermore, no matter what type of job one does, working late at night will cause excessive tiredness. Thus, people might suffer from headaches and dizziness after getting up the next day.

Furthermore, people will miss the best moment of the whole day if they get up too late. "It is the early bird that catches the worm." At daybreak the sky is brightened. The very first rays of sunshine fall upon the earth and the entire city is bathed in fresh morning air. Everything is filled with life and vigor. Needless to say, only those who get up early can witness such a fantastic scene. Thus, they can begin a new day"s work with lifted spirits and restored energy. By contrast, it is impossible for late risers to fully sense the greatness of morning.

Besides, "burning the midnight oil" may interrupt others. If a person shares an apartment with other people,his habit of staying up late in the night will prevent his roommates from sleeping well. Even though he might try to keep silent while working, his electric light may still bother those who are desperately in need of a good sleepingatmosphere. Thus, there might be complaints from them,which considerably undermines the harmony inside a house.Anyhow, it is important to maintain good relationships between people who share the same space.

In brief, although people may have their special reasons to stay up, I would still remind the midnight oil-burners of the possible side effects incurred by their habit. Indeed, no one is able to work nonstop like machines in the night without feeling tired. Some potential harm might be done to their health. Thus, in order to stay healthy and be energetic enough while working, it is a better choice to breathe fresh air in the early morning every day.








biological clock 生物钟

rise vi. 起床

mental breakdown 神经衰弱

insomnia n. 失眠症

amnesia n. 健忘症

dizziness n. 头昏

daybreak n. 黎明;破晓

brightened adj. 变亮的

rays of sunshine 缕缕阳光

burn the midnight oil 熬夜

keep silent 保持安静;保持沉默

desperately adv. 极度地

energetic adj. 精力充沛的







x 广告
x 广告

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